February 2022: HCA 2118/2012 – successful claim against a firm of solicitors and related parties           for beaches of fiduciary duty and duty of care through settlement

We act for the Plaintiff in HCA 2118/2012, which was commenced by us on behalf of the client in the High Court of Hong Kong against 7 Defendants in respect of the shares in a Hong Kong company (which holds a 45% of a joint venture company in Mainland China) owned by the Plaintiff wrongfully transferred by the forgery of signatures to some of the Defendants with the assistance of some other Defendants.

In mid-February 2022, just 3 days before the commencement of the trial and after years of highly contentious proceedings, the 5th to 7th Defendants, a firm of solicitors in Hong Kong and parties related to it, agreed to pay compensation of a significant amount to the Plaintiff in full and final settlement of the claims against them, which included breach of fiduciary duties and breach of the duty of care.

The Plaintiff is still enforcing the judgments and orders in his favour against other Defendants.