1st December 2021: Commencement of HCA 1807/2021 – succession and beneficial ownership of land        in the New Territories and interests in t’ong and wui - applicability of Chinese law and customs                    (including Q’ing Law) - applicability and interpretation of the New Territories Ordinance

On 1st December 2021, we on behalf of individual clients who are indigenous villagers in the New Territories of Hong Kong commenced the above action in the High Court of Hong Kong in respect of the succession and the beneficial ownership of land and properties in the New Territories and interests in a t’ong and a wui which are business t’ongs. The action involves, amongst other things, issues relating to the applicability of Chinese law and customs (including Q’ing Law) to the succession of such properties and interests in the New Territories and the applicability and interpretation of the New Territories Ordinance (previous and current versions), the New Territories Land (Exemption) Ordinance, the Intestates' Estate Ordinance and the Probate and Administration Ordinance.